Hey, here's the write-up on what we settled on for additional performance details. Howard, thank you again for the use of your porch. On a personal note, I've longed for years to be able to participate in folk jams like this, and it's everything I dreamed. Thank you all for taking the time to play. :)
Okay! We decided the performance order would be
Turn Turn Turn, Paradise, My Rainbow Race, & Shine. Again, if I remember anything incorrectly, please jump in and fix it.
Turn Turn Turn: In order to keep us all together, Howard plays the first 5-measure intro-instrumental lick, we (Ashley and Laura? Nathan?) play along for the second one, and during the second lick, the vocals pick up into the body of the song.
"a time to refrain from embracing" is a little tricky; RE-FRAIN FROM is spaced pretty evenly, with 2-note syllables on "frain" and "from" to keep it moving. I plan to listen to the Byrds recording a few times to get it cemented in.
We close the song with the same instrumental lick that opened it, only everyone plays both times.
Paradise: This sounded
so good! I count off, "1-2-3, 1-2" so that Howard and I can pick up into the intro together without having to read each other's minds. In the final chorus, we slow down the last line, no need to repeat it. The harmonies on the chorus gave me chills, y'all, it is
My Rainbow Race: Howard does a quick 4-note ascending run to jump right in to this one. He sings the opening chorus solo (as well as the verses), but we harmonize on the other two choruses. I love the way Julie's fiddle improv just kind of rocks us all like we're in a hammock during this tune.
Shine (I started grinning just typing that)
: Just to clarify, there are two different 4-measure chord patterns in this.
For verses, it's [D-D-C-G] x2, and that's also the pattern for Julie's solo. For chorus, it's [C-G-D-D] x2, and that's also the pattern for the breakdown at the end. Here are the components.
- Intro: 4 measures (D-D-C-G). Dulcimer plays first 2 measures, fiddle joins in for second 2.
- Verse 1: 8 measures.
- Then the riff (YEAH!). Riff repeat (fiddle joins on repeat).
- Chorus: 8 measures
- Verse 2: 8 measures.
- Riff. Yeah! Riff.
- Chorus: 8 measures
- Fiddle solo: 8 measures (D-D-C-G)
- Verse 3: 8 measures.
- Riff. Yeah! Riff.
- Chorus: 8 measures, then go into the breakdown. Hey guys, how about if for this one spot, we don't hold the "shiiiiine" but repeat "Heaven let your light shine down" instead? The momentum of it would help kick off the breakdown, and it would increase the impact of the final "shiiiine." What do you think?
- Breakdown: Laura goes nuts on vocals to the C-G-D-D pattern, and we contribute as the spirit of Dolly moves us. ;) When she feels that the time is right, she'll guide us into a final chorus with a nice hearty "WHOA-OA-OA-OA."
- Chorus: 8 measures, but we're coming in halfway through the 2nd measure following Laura's lead. We let the final harmony ring, Howard introduces Jim Scott, high fives all around.
So mote it be for the music, and I had a thought for equipment. I have a triple guitar stand that I could bring, and Howard and I could use it for our extra instruments rather than laying them on the floor. Sound good?