Come Play With Us!

Is your ukulele gathering dust in the corner?
Are you struggling to remember the lyrics to Kum Bah Yah?
Have you secretly wanted to learn an instrument but fear you lack the talent?
Are you an experienced musician who likes to teach and jam with others?

We Want You!

Bring your guitar, bring your tin whistle, bring your maracas, autoharp, accordion, heck, bring your bassoon, and let's play! If you don't have an instrument, we'll have some extras available for you to try out. If you just want to come and hum along, that's great, too!

We are envisioning a 3-part gathering twice a month on Sunday afternoons from 2:00-3:30. The first 30 minutes will be Instruction. Ashley and Nathan will help you get comfortable with the instrument of your choice, plus learn a few notes or chords that will be relevant to the upcoming jam session. The second 30 minutes will be a Circle Jam where we practice a pre-selected song together. Don't panic! This is for fun, and you'll be surprised how much you learn, whether you hang back and listen or jump in con mucho gusto. The final 30 minutes will be a combination of Open Mic and Brainstorming. More experienced players can share some favorites from their repertoire, and we can share ideas and decide on future songs to learn together.  

There is something transcendent about coordinating with other people to make a Joyful Noise. We want to share this experience with you, yes YOU. Our invitation extends to the community at large, so invite your friends!


  1. When are you meeting next. My btother, wbo plays the harmonica, might be interested.
